
The Creative Ghost llc

I help writers write consistently through motivation, skill building, and showing just how easy and fun the entire writing process can be.

The Easy Edit Tool
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After editing countless stories for clients and writers in the community, I noticed common patterns, trends, and opportunities that writers of all skill levels missed out on when writing early drafts of their stories. So, I decided to package some of my experience, insight, and observations into an easy-to-use tool that any writer can use to edit their story. And here's the great thing: it's absolutely FREE! I wanted to provide the writing community with a free resource to help them improve...

💥Livestream Schedule💥 Week of October 14 - 20 📙 WriteNow updates | Join the WriteNow community on Mondays for updates, announcements, and a little goal setting! ***Expect special updates around our forthcoming holiday events: The Freaky Friday Flash Fiction Competition and The Choose Your Own Adventure Nanowrimo Event*** 📘 Kauffman Writes | Join Kauffman and other writers for writing sprints and casual writers chat. Will include live editing sessions as Kauffman works on the 2nd draft Dark...

WOW! 🤯500 Subscribers on the WriteNow Youtube channel 🤯 It feels surreal because I never thought I would hit 100 subscribers 😂 I started the daily live streams to hold myself accountable for writing a book from start to finish. I am so grateful. I am so creatively fulfilled. I am so energized by each of you writers who attend the live streams and support our growing writing community. As I look back on this past year of growth with the WriteNow community, I break it up into chapters: 📘Chapter...

💥Livestream schedule💥 Week of September 16 - 22 📙 WriteNow updates: Join the WriteNow community on Mondays for updates, announcements, and a little goal setting! 📓 Monday Motivation w/ WriteHollyDavis: I'll be joining Author Holly Davis, Teresa Beasley, and founder of Inimitable Books Zara Hoffman for a Monday Motivation livestream on Holly's Youtube channel! 📘 Kauffman Writes: Live editing sessions to prep for draft 2 of Dark Fantasy novel, The Last Scarecrow. Currently wrapping up map...

Story & Critique Show #28 Do YOU need feedback with your book or script? Submit an excerpt for this weekends FREE critique stream. Live readings and critiques with Kauffman and the WriteNow community. Now reading: Fantasy, Sci-fi, Horror, Romance, Children's, Memoir and much much more! Submit Here Updated submission guidelines and process have been streamlined through the form. You will receive a confirmation upon submission. Please note, due to the high volume of submissions your excerpt may...

💥Livestream schedule💥 Week of August 26 - September 1 📘 Kauffman Writes: Live editing sessions to prep for draft 2 of Dark Fantasy novel, The Last Scarecrow. Currently wrapping up character development, magic system, and world map. 📕 WriteNow Writers Group: This live writing group meets every Wednesday. Would you like to join? Respond to this email for more information! 📙 Game Writing Stream & Blind PlayTest: Join Kauffman and guest Author/WN community member, Sol MacNamara as they explore...

Dear Creative Writer, Below you will find the following: An article that recounts a few key learnings while writing the first draft of my dark fantasy novel over 230 days of live streaming. New livestreams! WriteNow announcements, live poll, and invites... Learnings from 235 of 366 writing live streams Wow, I wrote a 140k rough draft over 200 writing sprints, averaging roughly 30 minutes each over the past 235 consecutive writing streams. I’ve learned a lot! I figured I’d share some key...

Greetings, we have some exciting events lined up this weekend with the WriteNow community. Below are more details: Overcome YOUR mental health Methods & strategies used by Authors A LIVE DISCUSSION Date: Friday, August 9 When: 2p (PT) | 5p (ET) Overcome YOUR mental health | methods & strategies used by Authors | A LIVE DISCUSSION Is YOUR mental health holding you back from writing? Do you deal with a fear of failure, rejection, or vulnerability? Join Kauffman and other Authors in the writing...

Greetings writer friend, This marks the first official week of the social media writing rebrand from Kauffman's Corner to WriteNow (social media graphics coming soon!) You can check out the most recent streams here if you've missed out: Moving forward, the Monday stream of Kauffman Writes will be even more casual which means no setup and no graphics. This will be the stream day for announcements, updates, and writers to hang out and write casually...

Greetings writer friend, So you know what's going on with the writing community, here is the schedule and lineup for the shows this week: 💥Livestream schedule (week of July 8th)💥 We have a full lineup this week of 6 unique writing streams. I am eagerly getting close to the end of The Last Scarecrow, and we're officially reaching 190+ days of consecutive writing streams! Without further ado: 📒Monday Motivation: Kauffman joins Author Holly Davis and her community for weekly writing sprints...

Join Kauffman and the writing community as they celebrate +180 days of consecutive writing live streams and the EPIC climax of his novel, The Last Scarecrow. The 6-hour celebration includes: 📘Write a story with the community 📓Kauffman's Corner announcement 📗Live Guests 📕Writing games 📒Group writing sprint challenge 📙Conversations about character development, story building, AI, publishing, and much more! This is a ONE-TIME writing event that YOU don't want to miss! Chatting with the following...